IDCCA President’s Message
by Kristina Zahorik, IDCCA President
@ILDCCA @McHenryDems

I’m worried about our future

Dear County Chairs and Friends,

May brings us Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day!

As a mother of five, I can’t help but think about their future. As a mom it is my job to worry.

The worries seem to be bigger because of the current White House Administration.

We teach our children not to lie, and it was reported that the President reached his 10,000th lie.

We teach our children to respect others, and we have a President who mocks the disabled and not only appeals, but aligns himself with racist elements.

We teach our children, that money is not the only answer, and we have a President who believes money is the only answer. Willing to sell us and our democracy to the highest bidder.  A President who pollutes our environment to make money. Who is willing to strip away work place safe guards to make money. Who is willing to allow people die because they cannot afford healthcare and the high cost of prescription drugs to make money.

We must stop him.

In some ways, I feel my children will be ok because they sit in a particular privileged space. Although, that space won’t help them if climate change is not seriously addressed or workplace safety is eroded or they can’t get health care because of a preexisting condition.

I think and worry about those mother’s grieving for their children murdered this year due to gun violence. My youngest son is the same age as Kendrick Castillo, who led the charge against his fellow classmate who’d come to school to kill. I will get to see my son graduate in a couple of weeks. Kendrick’s mom does not get that privilege.

All this weighs heavy.

Countering these worries and thoughts is the knowledge so many mothers have stepped up to civically engage and work for positive Democratic change.  So many mothers are teaching their children using the fallacies of this President as an example of what is wrong. Mothers are joining together to fight the good fight and return us to democracy.

This Mother’s Day, I will take a moment to celebrate with my children, then continue to fight like hell.

I know you will too.

Best wishes,
