Rauner Failed Me – Corina

I’m originally from Belleville, Illinois. I moved to Springfield in 2012 to pursue my career as a science teacher and my family has made this city home. I love my students, and I always work to build a real connection with them. I want them to know that their voice is heard and their voice matters.

I’ve always prided myself as an advocate for the underdog, and right now that’s the public education system. Bruce Rauner’s failure to pass a budget has greatly impacted my ability to give my kids the tools they need to thrive. We live in a technological age, and I can’t think of a class that’s more important than science, but too often my classroom is overlooked and given the short end of the stick. In Illinois, we aren’t adequately equipping our students for successful careers in technology and I’m really worried about their futures.

I want a governor who is hands on and engaged with the communities their policies impact. Too often in Springfield, things start from the top down: people propose and pass bills, they argue about various policies, but they often don’t see the unintended consequences of their actions. I want somebody like JB, with a passion for our kids, a passion for education, and an understanding that young people do matter. They’re our future and we need a leader like JB who is ready to invest in their success.

Learn more at www.raunerfailedme.com