For Immediate Release:
Wednesday October 27, 2021
Contact: Dan Kovats,

Crickets from Republican Illinois Congressmembers on Reported Congressional Collusion on January 6

Springfield, IL — On Monday Republican Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) refuted claims that he conspired with January 6 insurrections, instead suggesting he would be “proud” of his staff if they helped in the planning of the riot that led to five deaths. While Rep. Adam Kinzinger has supported the January 6 commission and been critical of Republicans like Rep. Brooks, Congressmembers Mike Bost, Rodney Davis, Mary Miller, and Darin LaHood have all been silent. President Kristina Zahorik of the Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association (IDCCA) released the following statement:

“The silence of Mike Bost, Rodney Davis, Mary Miller, and Darin Lahood speaks volumes. While extreme conspirators like Mo Brooks and Marjorie Taylor Green celebrate the violent January 6th insurrection that led to five deaths, Illinois Republicans remain silent and cower at the fear of reprisal from the insurrection’s leader, Donald Trump.”

“Mike Bost and Mary Miller believe the big lie, going as far as voting to object to counting electoral college votes. Bost, Miller, and Lahood wouldn’t even support the commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection. We call on all of them to condemn remarks of the likes of Mo Brooks and speak out in defense of democracy.”

In June, Mary Miller was one of 21 House Republicans to vote NO to honor the fallen Capitol police officers who lost their lives as the result of January 6.


About the IDCCA…

The Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA) is a statewide, grassroots Democratic Party organization comprised of the elected Democratic County Chairs in all 102 counties in Illinois. The mission of the IDCCA is to help elect Democrats in every county and region of Illinois while continuing to grow the Democratic Party throughout the state. McHenry County Democratic Chair Kristina Zahorik is the President of the IDCCA.

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