For Immediate Release:
Monday July 20, 2020
Dan Kovats, Executive Director
(773) 351-7818 |

Shifting the traditional in person County Chairs’ Brunch to a virtual event

SPRINGFIELD, IL – The popular annual County Chairs’ Brunch has served as the start of Democrat Day at the Illinois State Fair and the unofficial kickoff of the fall campaign season for decades. This year, given the continuing public health crisis, the Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA) is shifting the annual event to a virtual one. The virtual event, called Brunch @ 6, will take place on Monday, August 31st at 6pm.

IDCCA President Kristina Zahorik released the following statement.

“I would love to see in Springfield the thousands of enthusiastic Democrats who attend our annual County Chairs’ Brunch to kickoff Governor’s Day. The responsible thing to do; however, is to follow the guidance of public health officials, science, and Governor Pritzker. Therefore, we will shift our annual event to a virtual one. I am thrilled to invite Democrats from all over Illinois to log in and participate in this year’s exciting Brunch @6. Who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner with some politics thrown in? We’re looking forward to hearing from elected officials and very special guests as we kickoff the fall campaign season.”

The guest speaker for the Brunch @ 6 will be announced later.

Usually scheduled on Democrat Day / Governor’s Day at the Illinois State Fair (AUG. 19), this year instead will find Democrats from across the country tuning in to the Democratic National Convention and cheering Joe Biden accepting the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. The IDCCA will follow the enthusiasm from the Democratic Convention with the IDCCA Brunch @ 6 on August 31.

The IDCCA is supported in this new virtual Brunch @ 6 by our grassroots volunteers and Illinois Democratic leaders:

“Effective organizations can improvise and overcome challenges large and small. COVID-19 remains a huge obstacle, but the Democratic County Chairs’ Association has found a way for us to come together, organize and mobilize voters to elect Democrats up and down the ticket–and to unite to beat Donald Trump. I’m proud to participate in this event and support the IDCCA.” US Senator Dick Durbin

“Illinoisans have done a fantastic job of flattening the curve during this crisis and we all must continue to do our parts both practicing social distancing and, most importantly, wearing masks. Even though we have moved to Phase 4 of our Reopen Illinois plan, we are still a ways’ off from holding events the size of the County Chairs’ Brunch. I applaud the IDCCA for shifting their event to a virtual one that will allow even more Democrats to participate. I’ve got August 31st on the calendar and I’m looking forward to kicking off the campaign to move our country forward.” Governor JB Pritzker

“The County Chairs’ Brunch is an event I look forward to every year, and it’s disappointing that COVID-19 will prevent us all from coming together for the brunch this year. While it’s always energizing to have thousands of Democrats attend in person to hear from our leaders as we get ready for the last two months of the campaign, I am pleased that the IDCCA is giving every Democrat a chance to participate this year by shifting to a virtual event.” US Senator Tammy Duckworth

The IDCCA is anticipating a fast-paced program reflective of the digital platform. We are thankful for the vast number of Democratic leaders in our great state and look forward to hearing from many of them, including our statewide elected officials and our Congressional delegation.

The Brunch @ 6 will take place on Monday August 31st at 6pm via Zoom. Event details can be found online at and on our social media channels @ILDCCA (Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram).


About the IDCCA…

The Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA) is a statewide, grassroots Democratic Party organization comprised of the elected Democratic County Chairs in all 102 counties in Illinois. The mission of the IDCCA is to help elect Democrats in every county and region of Illinois while continuing to grow the Democratic Party throughout the state. McHenry County Democratic Chair Kristina Zahorik is the President of the IDCCA.

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