For Immediate Release:
Monday February 22, 2021
Dan Kovats, Executive Director
(773) 351-7818 |

Extremist Darren Bailey announces bid for Governor

Plans to alienate half the state population

Springfield, IL – This evening, conservative extremist and Donald Trump loyalist State Senator Darren Bailey announced his run for Governor of Illinois. President Kristina Zahorik of the Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA) released the following statement:

“It was the worst kept secret in Illinois that grandstanding, first term State Senator Darren Bailey wanted to run for Governor. But the real mystery is his campaign strategy: Bailey doesn’t believe in a unified Illinois, calling for Chicago’s removal from the state. Additionally, Bailey continues to undermine the COVID-19 recovery despite numerous court losses, and uses social media to attack other Republicans who he deems are not loyal enough to Donald Trump.”

“Darren Bailey is an extremist. And much like his idol, Donald Trump, Darren Bailey has focused on ginning up outrage to impress his fellow zealots, further dividing Illinois. Illinois voters said no to Donald Trump this past November. Darren Bailey should expect the same.”

Darren Bailey’s open advocacy to segregate Illinois would deprive much needed tax revenue from the residents of central & southern Illinois.


About the IDCCA…

The Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA) is a statewide, grassroots Democratic Party organization comprised of the elected Democratic County Chairs in all 102 counties in Illinois. The mission of the IDCCA is to help elect Democrats in every county and region of Illinois while continuing to grow the Democratic Party throughout the state. McHenry County Democratic Chair Kristina Zahorik is the President of the IDCCA.

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