For Immediate Release:
Tuesday December 22, 2020
Dan Kovats, Executive Director
(773) 351-7818 |

Health Warning: Voters Should Avoid Potential Coronavirus Superspreader Representative-Elect Mary Miller

Springfield, IL — After social media posts revealed that Congresswoman-elect Mary Miller attended a large, indoor conference in Florida yesterday with hundreds of maskless participants, President Kristina Zahorik of the Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association (IDCCA) released the following statement:

“COVID-19 does not discriminate by political party, and it does not stop at state borders. We strongly advise residents of Illinois’ 15th Congressional District — and Palm Beach, Florida for that matter — to adhere to strict, social distancing from Congresswoman-elect Mary Miller who has been recently seen maskless in large, crowded indoor spaces.”

“In addition to potentially being a superspreader threat to Illinoisians and Floridians alike, Mary Miller is also a walking contradiction: Mary Miller was able to celebrate the creation of a COVID-19 vaccine — an acknowledgment that the coronavirus is real — while simultaneously ignoring and disavowing scientists and public health officials warnings about mask-wearing and avoiding large crowds. If and when Mary Miller gets vaccinated, Illinoisians should remember that when it comes to public health and safety, Mary Miller wants to have her cake and eat it, too.”

Earlier this year, the organizers of this weekend’s event shared and subsequently deleted anti-mask imagery after their organization’s co-founder died of complications related to COVID-19.


About the IDCCA…

The Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA) is a statewide, grassroots Democratic Party organization comprised of the elected Democratic County Chairs in all 102 counties in Illinois. The mission of the IDCCA is to help elect Democrats in every county and region of Illinois while continuing to grow the Democratic Party throughout the state. McHenry County Democratic Chair Kristina Zahorik is the President of the IDCCA.

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