For Immediate Release:
Monday September 27, 2021
Contact: Dan Kovats,

ICYMI: Illinois Congressional Republicans Vote Against
Women’s Right to Choose

Springfield, IL – Last Friday, every Illinois Congressional Republican voted against protecting women’s reproductive rights when they opposed the Women’s Health Protection Act. Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association (IDCCA) President Kristina Zahorik issued the following statement:

“Republicans across the country are attacking women and their reproductive rights. Last week, Kinzinger, Miller, Bost, Lahood, and Davis all failed Illinois women with their opposition to legislation that would protect women’s constitutional right to determine their health care choices.”

“Americans watched Texas Republicans pass an extreme anti-choice law which essentially bans abortion even in cases of rape or incest. This vigilante-esque law hurts women and allows strangers to sue those helping women get the health care they need. When Illinois Congressional Republicans were given an opportunity to protect women from extreme state legislation like that in Texas, they said no. Illinois voters should not forget.”

The federal legislation that passed on Friday provides a statutory right for health care providers to provide abortion services without limitations such as those passed in Texas, and essentially codifies Roe v. Wade.


About the IDCCA…

The Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA) is a statewide, grassroots Democratic Party organization comprised of the elected Democratic County Chairs in all 102 counties in Illinois. The mission of the IDCCA is to help elect Democrats in every county and region of Illinois while continuing to grow the Democratic Party throughout the state. McHenry County Democratic Chair Kristina Zahorik is the President of the IDCCA.

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