IDCCA President’s Message
by Kristina Zahorik, IDCCA President
@ILDCCA @McHenryDems

Dear County Chairs and Friends,

When I was writing this message last weekend on International Women’s Day, during Women’s History Month, when many of us are lamenting the lack of women still in the race for President; I embraced the grief and frustration, but I also saw hope.

I see more women running for office, taking leadership positions and roles in Democratic County Parties, leading the way in sister organizations, and moving in meaningful ways in the political space. In addition, women throughout Illinois are working for candidates and campaigns gaining experience and power. In addition, the 2018 election cycle saw more Democratic women elected in our state. With your help, more women will be re-elected and elected in 2020. Including women holding Trump and his cronies accountable like Representatives Robin Kelly (2), Jan Schakowsky (9), Lauren Underwood (14), and Cheri Bustos (17); and candidates like Betsy Dirksen Londrigan (13) and Dani Brzozowski (16).

We all can take action in our personal space and in the public space this election cycle. In our personal space, we are responsible for our own thoughts and actions; therefore we can easily make changes. In public space, we can speak up when faced with prejudice and volunteer, support, and vote for diverse voices to be represented. International Women’s Day challenges us to choose to contest stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women’s achievements. Recently, I read a useful article on fighting gender stereotypes. You can take a moment to read the article by clicking here.

Early this month, the IDCCA recognized Invest to Elect Illinois, as 2020 IDCCA Party Builder Award Honorees. This organization challenges stereotypes of women’s political economic power. You can read more about them and our other awardees by clicking here.

The grassroots efforts of our County Parties and the IDCCA are even more important based on the new political theory presented by political scientist Rachel Bitecofer. Using this theory, she correctly predicted the midterms. Her theory as reported is that modern American elections are rarely shaped by voters changing their minds, but rather by shifts in who decides to vote in the first place. You can read about it by clicking here.

If this is correct, the work the IDCCA does is paramount. We canvas door-to-door with our PCs and volunteers to identify Democratic voters and Get Out The Vote. Can I count on you to support these efforts? If you believe in what we are doing to helping to build our Democratic Party, click here to support us. If you want to be a part of the REV Project to knock on doors and identify Democratic voters, click here to sign up.

Next Tuesday, March 17th, is the Illinois Democratic Primary. Make sure you know where your polling place is. You can look up your polling place by clicking here.

Finally, we are living in serious times but if you are looking for a brief moment to laugh, I encourage you to check out Saturday Night Live’s Flip the Switch.

Thank you for all you do.

Best wishes,


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