For Immediate Release:
Tuesday January 5, 2021
Dan Kovats, Executive Director
(773) 351-7818 |

Jim Oberweis Is a Sore Loser

Springfield, IL — After it was publicized that Senator Jim Oberweis wishes for a ‘re-do’ on the 2020 election due to his allegations of violations of the law, President Kristina Zahorik of the Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association (IDCCA) released the following statement:

“Like Donald Trump, Jim Oberweis is attempting to change the results of a free and fair election. In the midst of an unprecedented public health crisis, the state of Illinois and our local election authorities ensured everyone was able to vote safely and securely — including voting by mail. In turn, we saw historic turnout. Now, Jim Oberweis wants a ‘re-do.'”

“I’m old enough to remember when Jim Oberweis was encouraging his supporters to vote by mail, but now he wants to toss out nearly 40,000 mail ballots in one county alone. Let’s be clear: Jim Oberweis wants to disenfranchise voters and cheat the system because he’s a sore loser. Illinois can’t be rid of him in public office soon enough.”

Congresswoman Lauren Underwood was sworn into Congress on Monday. Her re-election has been certified by the Illinois State Board of Elections following discovery recounts in the 14th Congressional District which verified Underwood lawfully won reelection.


About the IDCCA…

The Illinois Democratic County Chairs’ Association (IDCCA) is a statewide, grassroots Democratic Party organization comprised of the elected Democratic County Chairs in all 102 counties in Illinois. The mission of the IDCCA is to help elect Democrats in every county and region of Illinois while continuing to grow the Democratic Party throughout the state. McHenry County Democratic Chair Kristina Zahorik is the President of the IDCCA.

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