Senator Chris Belt Spring Fundraiser

Tavern on Main 301 E. Main St., Belleville, IL, United States

Wednesday, April 16th Senator Chris Belt Spring Fundraiser Tavern on Main, 301 E. Main St., Belleville, IL 62220 Individual: $100 Sponsorships: $2,500 | $1,000 | $500 | $250 Please make checks payable to: Friends of Chris Belt, P.O. Box 784, Belleville, IL 62222 RSVP:

Monroe County Democrats Dinner & Silent Auction

Turner Hall 211 E. Cherry Street, Columbia, IL, United States

You are invited to join the Monroe County Democratic Party for their annual Dinner & Silent Auction Thursday, April 17, 2025 Turner Hall 211 E Cherry St., Columbia Social Hour - 5:30pm Dinner - 6:30pm Individual - $30 RSVP online at

12th Annual Coles County Democrats Spring Carnivale

Mattoon American Legion 1903 Maple Ave, Mattoon, IL, United States

You are invited to join the Coles County Democrats for the 12th Annual Spring Carnivale Thursday, April 24, 2025 5:00pm - 7:00pm Mattoon American Legion 1903 Maple Ave, Mattoon, IL 61938 RSVP online at

Jan Schakowsky’s 24th Annual Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch

Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers 301 E. North Water St., Chicago, IL, United States

Monday, May 5, 2025 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk Chicago Ballroom 301 E. North Water Street Chicago, IL, 60611  We'll be joined by featured speaker: Honorable Deb Haaland Former Secretary of the Interior RSVP online at

Lee County Democrats Drawdown and Picnic Fundraiser

Sheridan's Walton Tap 905 Walton Rd., Walton, IL, United States

You are invited to join the Lee County Democratic Party for their annual Drawdown and Picnic Fundraiser Sunday, September 14, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm Sheridan's Walton Tap, 906 Walton Rd Dixon, IL 61021 Cost: $100 per ticket, includes 2 meals and an entry into the drawdown